Design a Website for your Minecraft Server

Minesite gives you the tools to design a beautiful, custom website for your Minecraft server,
complete with forums, custom pages, and a server plugin. Zero code, and completely free.

Why Minesite?

We help server administrators craft an online presence for their Minecraft servers. With Minesite, you can create forums, design custom pages, interact with your website from in-game, give your players unique perks for donating, and a whole lot more.
Forums for Free
Your server's forums are hosted right on your custom website, with all of your custom design. Wanna learn more?
Get more Players
When you create a website for your server, it's listed on all the major search engines, so more players can discover your server. We make sure everything on your website is in a format that search engines like!
Host a Server Store
Earn money by selling in-game rank upgrades, cosmetics, and other things directly on your website.
Link with your Server
Download the Minesite plugin and let your players interact with your website from in-game! Wanna learn more?
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Customize Everything

Customize Everything
Customize your website's header using Minesite's easy-to-use designer. Want dark mode? You can do that, too!
Unlimited Pages
Design as many pages as you want with Minesite's simple page designer.

Need a wiki? Easy! Want to publish your rules? Done. You can even get started using one of our beautiful templates!
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Forums for Free

Free, Forever
Your server's forums are hosted right on your custom website, with all of your custom design. And it's free, forever!
Powerful Moderation Tools
Rest easy knowing Minesite's powerful moderation tools will help you take action if someone misbehaves.

You can even require users to link their Minecraft account with Minesite before posting, and ban a Minecraft account if they misbehave.
So much more
Privately Message Users. Make threads sticky to highlight an announcement. Lock threads that no longer need discussion. Give donators special roles. And so much more.
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So Much More

Discord Integration
Interact with your site from Discord
Custom Domain
Go from to
SSL Certificate Included
Use SSL (https) on your custom domain
Direct Messages available in-game
Users can send DMs to eachother on Minesite and in-game
Beautiful on Mobile
Your site will automatically be mobile-friendly
Add Admins & Moderators
Give trusted users moderation & site design privileges
Powerful Admin Panel
Manage Users, Audit Events, Grant Permissions, and more
Two-Factor Authentication
Secure your account with Two-Factor Authentication
Custom Fillable Forms
Create custom forms for things like staff applications and ban appeals
External Links in Header
Have a server voting website somewhere else? No problem!
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